Fragaria ×ananassa
L 的品种有 394 种
L-carnitine 左旋肉碱
L-tryptophan 左旋色氨酸
La Sa Xiao Bo 拉萨小檗
Lâasfour 灌木红花
Labdanum 岩蔷薇(劳丹脂)
Labrador Tea 拉布拉多茶
Laburnum 金链花
Laça-vaqueiro 短叶繁牙木
Lace Fern 粗毛鳞盖蕨
Lacebark Pine 白皮松
Lacewing Vine 异叶蒴莲
Lacre Vermelho 圭亚那维斯米木
Lacre Blanco 卡宴维斯米木
Lactase 乳糖酶
Lactobacillus 乳酸菌
Lactoferrin 乳铁蛋白
Lacy Sea Lettuce 孔石莼
Lacy Spleenwort 刺铁角蕨
Lacy Tansyaster 花边蒿菀
Lacy Tree Philodendron 羽叶蔓绿绒
Ladakh Clematis 拉达克铁线莲
Ladder Lichen 颈石蕊
Ladle-leaved Windflower 匙叶银莲花
Lady Fern 蹄盖蕨
Lady of the Night 美洲鸳鸯茉莉
Lady's Bedstraw 蓬子菜
Lady's Mantle 羽衣草
Lady's Thumb 春蓼
Lafech 安达曼刺果藤
Lagbolagbo 总序硬果藤
Lagitik 台湾青藤
Lagos Silkrubbertree 拉各斯丝胶树
Lagrimas de la Virgen 红葱
Laguan 伏毛山豆根
Lai Jiang Teng 来江藤
Lake Sedge 湖畔薹草
Lala Palm 非洲榈
Lalona 恩曼火把树
Lâm Trai Lông 穿鞘花
Lama 夏威夷柿
Lamb's Quarters 藜
Lamb's-ear 棉毛水苏
Lance-leaf Periwinkle 剑叶长春花
Lance-leaved Aster 剑叶紫菀
Lance-leaved Coreopsis 剑叶金鸡菊
Lanceleaf Blumea 千头艾纳香
Lanceleaf Forget-Me-Not 小花琉璃草
Lanceleaf Smilax 马甲菝葜
Lanceleaf Sterculia 西蜀苹婆
Lanceleaf Thermopsis 披针叶野决明
Lanceleaf Thorowax 戟叶柴胡
Lanceleaf Tongue Fern 披针叶石韦
Lanceolate Anoectochilus 齿唇兰
Lanceolate Leaf Herminum 叉唇角盘兰
Lancewood 箭木
Landa 曼氏古柯
Landolphia Rubber 厄氏胶藤
Landolphia uniflora 单花卷枝藤
Langir 优雅黄叶树
Langmai 黑色串珠藻
Langsat 龙贡
Lantana 五色梅
Lantern Flower 吊灯花
Lantern Tree 莲叶桐
Lapacho Verde 抗梅毒艳阳花
Laranjinha-do-campo 锈色安息香
Larch Arabinogalactan 松木多醣
Larch Turpentine 落叶松松节油
Lard Seed 油渣果
Large Beardtongue 大花钓钟柳
Large Bittercress 大碎米荠
Large Blazing Star 大蛇鞭菊
Large Burr Grass 光梗蒺藜草
Large Caltrops 大蒺藜
Large Cranberry 蔓越橘
Large Epigeneium 宽叶厚唇兰
Large Fever Berry 大退热果
Large Flowered Barrenwort 大花淫羊藿
Large Flowered Pleione 大花独蒜兰
Large Garlic Pear 沙梨木
Large Gray Willow 大灰柳
Large Indian Breadroot 食用补骨脂
Large Isochilus 大等唇兰
Large Jujube 埃塞俄比亚枣
Large Leaf Adenia 大叶蒴莲
Large Leaf Birthwort 大叶马兜铃
Large Leaf Flemingia 大叶千斤拔
Large Leaf Mussaenda 大叶玉叶金花
Large Leaf Primrose 大叶报春
Large Leafed Bulbophyllum 大叶卷瓣兰
Large Leaved Climbing Bushwillow 阔叶风车子
Large Pink 瞿麦
Large Root Cymbidium 大根兰
Large Sourplum 南非海檀木
Large Spotted Spurge 通奶草
Large Spur-Anther Flower 大花胡麻草
Large Striated Ipecac 大条纹吐根
Large Toothwort 大碎米荠
Large Winged Begonia 大翅秋海棠
Large Yellow Foxglove 大花黄洋地黄
Large-Flower Kleinia 八宝天龙菊
Large-Flowered Barberry 有棱小檗
Large-flowered Bush-cherry 科氏梅鲁木
Large-flowered Cypripedium 大花杓兰
Large-flowered Trillium 大花延龄草
Large-flowered Uvaria 大花紫玉盘
Large-fruited Bushwillow 泽氏风车子
Large-fruited Catasetum 大果龙须兰
Large-fruited Elm 大果榆
Large-leaved Abacus Plant 艾胶算盘子
Large-leaved Brachystegia 大叶短盖豆
Large-leaved Cuckoo Flower 大叶碎米荠
Large-leaved Kowhai 四翅槐
Large-leaved Leea 大叶火筒树
Large-leaved Mahogany 大叶卡雅楝
Large-leaved Onionwood 大叶洋葱木
Large-leaved Rhus 大叶漆树
Large-leaved Rock Fig 大叶岩榕
Large-leaved Star-chestnut 五裂苹婆
Large-leaved Terminalia 大叶榄仁
Large-Petal Caper 大花山柑
Large-podded Albizia 大荚合欢
Large-seeded Guinea Amomum 大籽几内亚砂仁
Largeflower Brunfelsia 大花番茉莉
Largeleaf Geigertree 红花破布木
Largeleaf Throughwort 大叶毛泽兰
Larger Tinsel Flower 大金属丝花
Late Black Wattle 默氏相思
Late Figwort 北美玄参
Lathyrus 香豌豆
Lati 双雄苏木
Latok 卧茎夜来香
Laurel Bow-Wood 桂叶弓木
Laurel Clockvine 桂叶山牵牛
Laurel Greenbrier 桂叶绿荆棘
Laurel Sapphire Berry 越南山矾
Laurel-leaved Daphne 桂叶芫花
Laurel-leaved Kola 桂叶可乐果
Laurel-leaved Rock Rose 桂叶岩蔷薇
Laurel-leaved Snail Tree 樟叶木防己
Laurelwood 琼崖海棠
Lauric Acid 月桂酸
Lava Ankle-aster 高山踝菀
Lavender 薰衣草
Lavender Cotton 薰衣草棉
Lavender Croton 薰衣草巴豆
Lavender–leaved Mugwort 野艾蒿
Laver 脐形紫菜
Law's Aglaia 望谟崖摩
Lawn Marshpennywort 天胡荽
Laxly-flowered Bulbophyllum 石豆兰
Lây Dông Cuống Ngắn 棒柄花
Leadwood 铅木
Leafberry Tree 叶果树
Leafflower 叶下珠
Leafless East-Indian Vine 肉珊瑚
Leafless Goglet Flower 灯心草吊灯花
Leafless Leadwort 无叶白花丹
Leafy Goodyera 多叶斑叶兰
Leafy Habenaria 多叶玉凤花
Leafy Meadow-Rue 多叶唐松草
Leafy Spurge 乳浆大戟
Leafy Vanilla 多叶香荚兰
Least Water Lily 萍蓬草
Leatherleaf 地桂
Leatherweed 波氏巴豆
Leatherwood 皮革树
Lebiweco 波氏因加豆
Lebombo Krantz Ash 翅果椒木患
Leche Casp 大果牛奶树
Leche De Oje 平淡无花果
Lechero Tree 桂叶大戟
Lecherona 丛生大戟
Lecithin 卵磷脂
Lecomte Barberry 光叶小檗
Leekgreen Maya 葱绿绢木
Lei Gong Lian 雷公连
Leichhardt Tree 乌檀
Leikhaman 馥芳艾纳香
Lelada 少花狗牙花
Lemba Batu 马来叉柱花
Lemkheinza 非洲鸟足菜
Lemon 柠檬
Lemon Balm 香蜂草
Lemon Eucalyptus 柠檬桉
Lemon Grass 柠檬草
Lemon Myrtle 柠檬香桃木
Lemon Scented Thyme 姜味草
Lemon Thorn 冬青叶刺檬木
Lemon Verbena 柠檬马鞭草
Lemonwood 华中五味子
Leña De Piedra 单花卧芹
Lenten Hellebore 东方铁筷子
Lentil 小扁豆
Lentoid Sedge 镜子薹草
Leopard Plant 鹿蹄橐吾
Leopard's Bane 东方多榔菊
Leopardwood 豹纹木
Leprosy Fruit 大花轮果
Lesotho Dianthus 莱索托石竹
Lesotho Thistle 蓟叶尖刺联苞菊
Lesser Alpinia 节鞭山姜
Lesser Burdock 小牛蒡
Lesser Butterfly Orchid 细距舌唇兰
Lesser Calamint 新风轮菜
Lesser Celandine 小白屈菜
Lesser Fimbry 水虱草
Lesser Knapweed 黑矢车菊
Lesser Mahobohobo 坦桑乌帕卡树
Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid 蝶花舌唇兰
Lesser Quinine-tree 小奎宁树
Lesser Rattlesnake Plantain 小斑叶兰
Lesser Spearwort 火焰毛茛
Lesser Swine-cress 臭独行菜
Lesser Trema 光叶山黄麻
Lesser Yam 甘薯
Letōmōkō 百脉根银豆
Letter Wood 绒毛金球桑
Lettuce 生菜
Levant Berry 印防己实
Levant Cotton 草棉
Level-topped Sandwort 红米努草
Levine's Bulbophyllum 齿瓣石豆兰
Lewis Flax 刘氏亚麻
Li Dou Teng 栗豆藤
Liane à Saucisses 柔弱苦蔹莓
Liane De Corne 亚麻藤
Liberal 蒂蒙海茜树
Liberian Bowstring Hemp 利比里亚虎尾兰
Libumu 坡氏黧豆
Licorice Marigold 甘草万寿菊
Licorice Weed 野甘草
Lightning Bush 美丽铁远志
Ligiri Tree 山桐子
Likazung 二冠轮环藤
Lilac Daphne 芫花
Lilac Tasselflower 一点红
Lily Aloe 百合芦荟
Lily Of The Valley Tree 大花杜英
Lily Tree 玉兰
Lily-of-the-valley 欧铃兰
Lilyleaf Acriopsis 百合叶合萼兰
Lilyturf 丹麦草
Lima Bean 利马豆
Limau-limau 球序白树
Lime 来檬
Lime Berry 来檬果
Lime Berry 臭桔
Limestone Bittercress 道氏碎米荠
Limonene 柠檬烯
Limpricht's Habenaria 宽药隔玉凤花
Limpricht's Hemipilia 短距舌喙兰
Limu Huna 巢沙菜
Limu Kala 多叶马尾藻
Limu Kala 刺果马尾藻
Linaloe Tree 精油裂榄
Linawi's Dendrobium 矩唇石斛
Lindelofia 长花琉璃草
Linden 椴树
Lindley's Aporosa 林氏银柴
Lindley's Butterfly Bush 醉鱼草
Lindley's Clerodendrum 尖齿臭茉莉
Lindley's Dendrobium 聚石斛
Linearleaf Primrose-willow 草龙
Lingua De Vaca 狭管蓝蓟
Liniment Tree 搽剂树
Lino Del Campo 卷柏亚麻
Lion's Ear 狮耳草
Lion's Mane Mushroom 猴头菇
Lion'sTail 狮尾草
Lipa 咬人狗
Lipase 脂肪酶
Lipstick Plant 口脂藤
Liquorice 洋甘草
Lithium 锂
Little Bluestem 北美小须芒草
Little Broad Flat Blade Dendrobium 剑叶石斛
Little Club Moss 卷柏
Little Evening Primrose 多年生月见草
Little Ironweed 夜香牛
Little Lovegrass 小画眉草
Little Rose 地蔷薇
Little Tree Plant 感应草
Littlebell 三裂叶薯
Littlehip Hawthorn 匙叶山楂
Liu Jì Nu 刘寄奴
Liver Extract 肝精
Livid Amaranth 凹头苋
Lizard's Tail 三白草
Lobed-leaf Alangium 瓜木
Lobelia False-Waterwillow 半边莲穿心莲
Lobo Sanango 狼木
Lobster Claw 加勒比赫蕉
Locoto 浆果椒
Locust Berry 蝗虫果
Lodel 科氏山扁豆
Lodh Tree 珠仔树
Logwood 洋苏木
Loiswashi 长管牵牛
Lokejukuma 精丽阁
Lokile 不等边大戟
Lolly Bush 多花大青
London Rocket 水蒜芥
Long Bracted Oberonia 长苞鸢尾兰
Long Buchu 长布枯
Long Flowered Barleria 长花假杜鹃
Long John 苏里南蓼树
Long Leaved Barleria 具耳水蓑衣
Long Leaved Beautyberry 长叶紫珠
Long Leaved Boscia 长叶博夏木
Long Raceme Chocolate Vine 长序木通
Long Stephania 粪箕笃
Long Strap Fern 长叶弯脉蕨
Long-flowered Cardamom 长花豆蔻
Long-fruited Anaxagorea 长果蒙蒿子
Long-fruited Bloodwood 长果血木
Long-horned Dendrobium 长距石斛
Long-inflorescence Amomum 长序砂仁
Long-leaf Buchu 长叶布枯
Long-Leaf Mycetia 长叶腺萼木
Long-leaved Brithwort 长叶马兜铃
Long-leaved Pitcairnia 长叶凤梨
Long-Lipped Zeuxine 长唇线柱兰
Long-spined Acacia 长刺金合欢
Long-spurred Violet 长刺堇菜
Long-stalk Elatostema 长梗楼梯草
Long-stalk Sedge 长梗薹草
Long-stalk Sida 长梗黄花棯
Long-Stalked Peashrub 短刺锦鸡儿
Long-stamened Combretum 丛毛风车子
Long-Stem Thorowax 长茎柴胡
Long-stem Wild Giner 长茎金耳环
Long-stemmed Almond 长梗扁桃
Long-stemmed Basket Plant 长茎芒毛苣苔
Long-tail Cassia 长尾决明
Long-Tailed Habenaria 长角玉凤花
Longan 龙眼
Longbeak Rattlebox 长喙猪屎豆
Longbract Wild Indigo 长苞赝靛
Longevity Spinach 平卧菊三七
Longhi 拉氏疏脉榄
Longhi Blanc 近裸甘比山榄
Longleaf Alyce Clover 长叶链荚豆
Longleaf Brake 长叶凤尾蕨
Longleaf Emu Bush 长叶鸸鹋木
Longleaf Jointfir 长叶麻黄
Longleaf Phlox 长叶福禄考
Longstalk Holly 具柄冬青
Longstem Adderstongue 柄叶瓶尔小草
Looking-glass Mangrove 银叶树
Loose-flowered Cotoneaster 疏花栒子
Loosestrife 毛黄连花
Lopat 尖叶柃
Lopseed 透骨草
Loquat 枇杷
Lorenzo's Oil 罗伦佐油
Lorsanjo 暗花辣木
Loto-hoedoe 红皂金花
Lotus 荷花(莲子)
Lotus Sweetjuice 星粟草
Lousewort 返顾马先蒿
Lovage 欧当归
Love Apple 重楼
Love Lies Bleeding 尾穗苋
Love Vine 无根藤
Love-in-a-mist 黑种草
Lovely Dendrobium 可爱石斛
Low Cornflower 扁平矢车菊
Low Shoebutton 矮紫金牛
Low Starbur 矮刺苞菊
Low's Cymbidium 碧玉兰
Lowland Pepper Tree 低地胡椒树
Lowland Scindapsus 低地藤芋
Lowveld Albizia 露菲尔德合欢
Lowveld Bead-string 疏花山麻杆
Lowveld Dwarf Spiny Spurge 棒麒麟
Lowveld Milkberry 低地乳果
Lục Thảo Lan 大叶吊兰
Lucky Bean Tree 罗氏假黄杨
Luffa 丝瓜
Lufhaladzmakole 布氏天门冬
Lulyondet 阿氏桃榄
Lumpy Bracket 猪苓
Lunas 苦鲁纳芸香
Lungmoss 肺衣草
Lungwort 疗肺草
Luo Di Mei 落地梅
Luo Han Guo 罗汉果
Luo Hua Zi Zhu 裸花紫珠
Luo San 罗伞
Lutut Ayam 里氏紫金牛
Lychee 荔枝
Lyreleaf Nightshade 白英
Lysine 赖氨酸